Monday, October 27, 2008

Watch them Bios updates.

So when I read that MSI had released a new Bios for the Wind I was pretty excited. On top of allocating more RAM to the integrated video the fabled Turbo feature was back. So I flashed my Bios and all looked good until I noticed my wireless connection had become super flaky. I had replaced the stock wifi card with a dell 1490 because it works with Windows, Linux and OS X, so I thought maybe that was the issue. There is an extra stand off on the mother board that a lot of people said should be removed because it causes issues, so I finally got up the courage to take the pliers to it and no improvement. Finally tonight I decided to roll the Bios back to 1.06 and I'm back to a nice speedy Internet experience.

So the leason learned here is don't be so quick to install the newest thing.

By the way I love my wife, she bought me both my Ibanez guitar and MSI Wind. She's the bestest!

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