Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ubuntu 8.10 and Suspend

I have been running the beta of Ubuntu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex for almost 2 weeks now on my Wind and have been really happy with it. Last night around 7:30 PM I put my Wind into suspend and forgot about it (normally I shut it down over night). This morning to my surprise, 12 hours later, I hit the power button and my Wind booted right to the login screen for Intrepid. I entered my password and expected to see a warning message about my battery being low but to my surprise I still had 3.5 hours battery life remaining.

Simply awesome!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Watch them Bios updates.

So when I read that MSI had released a new Bios for the Wind I was pretty excited. On top of allocating more RAM to the integrated video the fabled Turbo feature was back. So I flashed my Bios and all looked good until I noticed my wireless connection had become super flaky. I had replaced the stock wifi card with a dell 1490 because it works with Windows, Linux and OS X, so I thought maybe that was the issue. There is an extra stand off on the mother board that a lot of people said should be removed because it causes issues, so I finally got up the courage to take the pliers to it and no improvement. Finally tonight I decided to roll the Bios back to 1.06 and I'm back to a nice speedy Internet experience.

So the leason learned here is don't be so quick to install the newest thing.

By the way I love my wife, she bought me both my Ibanez guitar and MSI Wind. She's the bestest!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ever Changing Wind.

So I've had my Wind for a few months now, and last night I think I completed it's evolution by installing the latest Bios 1.09

Back when I first read about the MSI Wind there were three things that got my attention

  • a 10 inch screen
  • an 80 GB Sata HD
  • the ability to over or under clock the CPU on demand
Well the Wind started shipping and the first thing people noticed was the over clocking feature was missing. MSI had removed it from the Bios and there was no word about it ever coming back. Like a lot of others I decided to buy a Wind anyway and I haven't had any regrets, so far I have:

  • added another stick of Ram giving me a total of 2 GB
  • installed a Dell 1490 Wifi card which works in Ubuntu, XP and OS X
  • applied a custom skin from
  • installed a 320 GB Western Digital Scorpio
  • installed Ubuntu 8.10 w/netbook remix, XP home and OS X 10.5
  • updated the Bios to 1.09 w/over clocking set to 15%
Now I can sit back and enjoy my triple booting goodness... at least until I hear of another great mod for my Wind.